Don't try to change the facts, Pendragon......
You and Rochester turned on Doc, G.D. and myself because we
befriended Stephan Pickering......
It was not just Doc who you and Rochester attacked and flamed for
years on end..... it was also George Dance......
All because Doc would not turn on Pickering when you and Rochester
DEMANDED it......
Now try to lie and explain how I am mistaken......
I don't believe Will has ever thought of it as theft. He honestly believed that by treating himself and his brother to a steak dinner
You've lied about this for years and continue to this day...
It did not happen that way, as has been explained dozens of times.....
The $$$ was refunded after Rochester complained about the way I spent the $$$.....
You really are following the pattern George Dance predicted you would... see below....
No, you are mistaken, or lying...
Here is a post FROM that time that explains it as it was happening, written by George Dance.....
alt.arts.poetry.comments ›
The facts vs. Pendragon's spin: Will's "meltdown"
The Liar Twins - "Michael Pendragon" and the "Rochester" troll love the tactic called the "Big Lie": keep repeating the same false claims over and over again, hoping eventually everyone will believe them.
You're off base, Pendragon.
Name the alleged "hissy fit" so we can see what you're trying to misrepresent, here.
You asked for that the last time I mentioned it, and I re-posted your meltdown along with the link.
The basic scenario was that you felt that the popularity of the Sunday Sampler overshadowed your dominance of the group, felt that Jim's popularity with the other members overshadowed yours, felt that your poems had been overshadowed by the other poems in the Sampler
Notice that none of these are actual facts about anything that happened on the group, or anywhere: they're just "Pendragon" imagining what Will was thinking, and trying to tell Will that he was really thinking that - spin, IOW, or bullshit, ISOW.
, so you started posting them in a separate thread along with the Sampler Post.
It is a fact that Will has begun posting his Sampler poems in separate threads as well. However, "Pendragon's" imaginary story has nothing to do with that. In fact, Will began doing that with his "Apple Montage" poem: and he did that precisely because the Rochester troll ("Jim") got upset about all the attention that poem was receiving in the Sampler thread, and told Will to take it to another thread.
You picked fights with Jim
The fact here is that Will and "Jim" did get into a fight. But not because Will began scouring the internet looking for dirt to post on "Rochester/Jim's" wife and family - because "Jim/Rochester" began scouring the internet looking for, and posting, dirt about Will's dead wife and son. Eventually "Jim/Rochester" did troll Will into a fight; but it's a simple lie by "Rochester/Jim's" Twin to pretend that Will somehow picked it.
and Richard,
I have no idea what this one is about (except as a feeble hope to drag Richard into this).
drove Patricia out of the group
Patricia is on record as saying Will had nothing to do with that. It comes down to, whom do you believe: her or the Liar Twins?
, started cross-posting to the Dylan group
in a vain attempt to populate this group with your "friends,"
That is not only spin, but stupid spin. Not one poster here thinks that everyone who posts on the same group as Will is his "friend".
and even managed to piss me off to the point where I chose to leave the group for a month.
A wise decision, which the Rochester troll promptly copied.
Unfortunately for them, the group did not fall apart or implode in their absence; so, unfortunately for us, they decided to return as trolls and start up the "pedophilia" flame war that still hasn't ended. (But that's another installment.)
-George J Dance
Reposted so Doc can see and respond....