Post by %Post by W.DockeryPost by %Post by W.DockeryPost by W.Dockery
Good for retarded noobs
Apparently, not even they can grasp the concept.
it kept you clueless pissbums on usenet, dimbulb
Newsflash, I'm still here.
yes, another clueless webbie
theCubeNet -
Who said this?
"I'm tired of pretending to be a "regular" in newsgroups where 90% of the
on-topic posts consist of hilarious doggerel and inept comments. RAP and
AAPC are no longer of interest to me except as sources of potential
net.kooks. I'm not going to leave, but my sole interest from now on will
be in persecuting morons such as c[...], p[...], S[...], T[...], and the
dozens of others who are on their low intellectual level.
It's unlikely that I'll ever make an on-topic post in RAP or AAPC again.
Doing so would be a waste of my time."
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