Post by Will DockeryPost by ***@gmail.com
I first read "The Turn of the Screw" after being pointed there by, of all things, the Dark Shadows television show, when I read that one of the story arcs was based on it... this must have been fifty years ago.
We don't believe that the 13 year old William Dockery ever read "The Turn of the Screw." The 13 year old William Dockery couldn't even read his name in juvie. If he attempted the feat, he didn't get past the first word on the first page.
However, let's suppose that in some alternate Newtonian universe that 13 year old William Dockery read the book and now remembers (or Googled) a link between the book and "Dark Shadows." Can he please tell us:
- What is the theme that connected "The Turn of the Screw" and "Dark Shadows?"
- Do the book and tv show share similar time periods in their stories?
- Are the ghosts in either the book or the tv show real or in the main characters' imagination?
- Are the governesses suffering from sexual repression, and is the vampire a symbol of homosexuality?