(too old to reply)
2024-04-13 08:14:19 UTC
OB Associations & The Holy Ghosts
(Spanish Harlem Queen Revisited)
Lost and Found: Serene, Blest Waitress: “WHO is Bob Dylan’s Wife” 💔 🐧
A Knightmare on ELM Street – Finito La Commedia ?

Once Upon A Time


And so I sit and bear my wait
Not a glamourous life by far
Not some bunny-tailed playboy model
Or a Golden Globed celluloid star

The house is strangely still and quiet
Save for this whispering air
Gently cooling the living room down
Breathing soft and Finely Fair

Healing alone, in her cozy love-nest
Not an unwelcome soul in her midst
Will he come back? He keeps calling for her…
Is he bringing that Patagonia kiss?

22 Polished, scaled-down, Skeletal years
She waits On and On with Hope
May As well be Strangled and Tame
In a Perfect prison of Peace
Neck Mangled on a Dangling Tail Rope

Clowns all make their Home-Spun jokes
While writers share their poems
A Solitary Place...
(Inside a crowded Northern Window 🔯 )
Just a Woman in her Home

Why bother yearning all thru’ The Hours?
Why persist in Pressing On? Round and
Around continues the Never-Ending Tour
A dream once shared now all but Gone…

How many more Long And Wasted Years
Must she work for her Memory’s Man?
The Catch now seems Pointless 🧙🏻
Dont try to Anoint us ‒ Engineers
Sweeping‒up Time in the sand

Our Beaches are filled
With Bodies of Dis‒Ease
Is Humankind Ever Even...
OR At All what G‒d sees? /

A long drawn out sigh ‒
It almost doesn’t Matter
The Passion dies out
The Screams make it sadder

SO Onward and UPward
Go along with your Game
No-thing has changed
The Song Remains the Same

Just a girl spinnin’ in bed
A-writin’ Singularly for Youse
Waitin’ unexplicably to Be‒gin’
ָAn’ reboot life’s Earth news

If this ain’t *Enough!*
If I’m not what ya Desire
Don’t Egg me with kindle
To Build UP A Fire

I’m tired and I’m worn
I’m beat and I’m through
Please Just come back
I’ve tried till I’m Blue ‒

I can’t wait no more
Can barely even cope
What a fool to believe in you
The world’s greatest Dope

So I’m here if you ever
Manage to wake yourselves UP
We can start over refreshed
From Heaven’s Drinking Cup

The Close of this ol’ Rime
Is beggin’ for me to Send
I just miss my best friend
And it’s soon t’ The‒End 🦉

From the Rich Rushin' Winds OF an On!on Star…

The High Priestess – H.C. 🔯
(Horton Cocklear)
All My Love,
Call me... “Rachel.”
🌟 jewsy froot🌟 🔯
🌟רואכח גולדה🌟 😵 🤪


(aside: Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuzn't Fuzzy Wuz Hee)(blurt!)

Returning to Reconstruct: A Reincarnation
On a Knight Like This (Dedicated to Puppy)

Sitting here biding my Time
There’s not much I can do
So I’ll make up some Rhymes

Is there any way to know
Where they’re originally from?
This Wellspring of Words...
How do they manage to come?

They just seem to POP OUT
After creeping into my mind
But I can’t stand this pursuit
It’s a waste of my Kind

I really just want to be…
With Bob, alone. Is he ever
Gonna call me, on the phone?

I know I've used and abused
Repeating Rhymes before
Rearranging chameleon lines
Exposes the primitive score

But at least these can not
Be called lines of drugs
I'd much rather wait
For a strong loving hug

They damaged My Souls
I knew I’d been had
Being captured this way
Is so terribly sad

But I had no other choice
No known visible safe way
I didn't want to go out to play

My heart has been fractured
It turned blood-river red
But you already know this
It's already been said

Senor, what are we waiting for?
Tell me, why won't you come?
It fills me with outrage and fury
And makes me feel so dumb

Lord, I’m destined to crack
Locked inside these abodes
Carrying incalculable pain
Under unbearable loads

Inhumanly born burdens
A crashing diseased weight
My life’s brutal pathways
A cruel crippling fate

I know I can sense it,
In my Mind, in my Soul
Nothing gold can stay
We reached for the coal

You know it’s been written
I’m bound to explode...
I’m still expecting to lose it
And hit virgin road

I can't believe he's so Incredibly
Insane. It splits me apart,
Like a smashed window pane

Splintered Shards of Cut
Broken Glass…..Shredding
The Threads of My Skins….
What Bound Fringes
Of this Free World do I Mine
..So recklessly to Win?

What in G-d’s Great Name
Is this Leviathan Creature?
And why on Earth...
Do I Bother to “Care?”

Why do I insist on
Loving him So Strongly...?
So Helpless that I
Would e’er to Dare….?

If He still doesn't know
He's G-d’s biggest moron
He gets himself down
When he’s got the bore on

He's filled with anguish
Fear and self-doubt
Why does he sit...
And think and pout?

Why not just do it
For once in your life?
Come back to me
And make me your Wife

I can't understand this
After so many long years
I almost could kill him
Or cut off all his ears

Why don't you want me?
Why won't you come?
I’m not happy at all
I’m not having fun

This is empty and stupid
And thoroughly lame ‒
I never wanted this
I don't care about fame

Just come be my baby
Come make me whole
You know it’s your duty
To repair my torn soul

You said you would do it
This is so painfully unfair
Prove that you want me
Show me that you care

You’ve been singing for me
Endlessly, year after year...
Saying you still love me
That for me you shed tears

I’m reclining in bed now
But I was slouched at my desk
I told you everything with gusto
When I’d rather have had rest

But I was driven and pushed
I was trapped in a field
Of maggots, and magnets
To you I must yield

I’m begging for mercy
Please beam up my soul
Let me into Your dream
Make me your Goal

I’m shattered like Road Runner
“Come back to Me,” I say
It will be Absolute and Perfect
In G-d’s For-ever Way

A fresh Springtime’s blossom
A love once again made new
A crystal spark that's ignited
Like Sinai’s glistening dew
Falling down from the heavens
To sustain the Chosen few

I could go on and on Eternally
My longest-lost dear sweet friend
But as long as I’m alive
As we’ve been instructed to bend
Here are these words of “ILY”
Which I’ve just got to send

These are my prayers to You
I know that you’re Hissing
You’re the only thing gone
You’re just what I’m missing

(and I'd so very much rather
Your Chapped lips to be Kissing...
..iykwimaityd….*NOT* 😉 🤣 😇 )

The High Priestess, H.C. 🔯
Queen of France 💋

- “let’s get drrrunk!!!” HIGH FIVE!!!!

“Roll On,….פסח!” Quoting Delia, childhood friend from Oz (rev. by רחל)

102 Waterfalls: Complicated Grief
A Cat-cher in the Rye

Psychological Con-Fuzzions
Are a curious thing...
It could be what happens
When MockingBirds Sing -

Electro-shock treatments
Blasting criss-cross conceptions
Requiring circuitous tactics
Producing dramatic connections

Factor in psychoanalytic surgeries
A most tricky endeavor...
This is probably what you get
When you ask for Forever

They're bellowing madly below
You're screaming "Shut the f**k UP!"
I'm beginning to wish for
The balls to vote "TRUMP!"

This isn't a warning
It's just what happened to me
And now that I've moved
I can't ever be free

It follows you around
Like a bad rollercoaster ride
Technology runnin' backwards
You're trembling inside

They rattle your nerves
And wake up your head
It cuts you inside
But you know you're not dead

About the story as we knew it
I no longer give a rat's ass
I'm nobody's martyr
I crawled through the glass

Through a red ring of poison
Of ugliness and gloom
I shed all the fake Desiderata
And cast a cure for its Doom

Their Light can disperse
Up in the clouds, for all I “care”
I've no need to rehearse
When life is equal and fair

As to their shadow superfluity
I've found Wisdom more rare
I'm looking up at the Sky
I'm still hunting the Bear

The last thing you're gonna
Hear out of me
Is my lesson I've learned
The truth I now see

It's the sickness and torture
Of Blackness at Noon
I left my Stingrays behind
And wait for the Moon

Aretha with no Goals
4.3.2024 (rev.)
2024-04-13 17:01:14 UTC
SO Onward and UPward = So Onward and UPward
2024-04-13 17:58:22 UTC
Post by cheesetray
OB Associations & The Holy Ghost
(Spanish Harlem Queen Revisited
Lost and Found: Serene, Blest Waitress: "WHO is Bob DylanŽ
Post by cheesetray
A Knightmare on ELM Street - Finito La Commedia
Once Upon A Tim
And so I sit and bear my wai
Not a glamourous life by fa
Not some bunny-tailed playboy mode
Or a Golden Globed celluloid sta
The house is strangely still and quie
Save for this whispering ai
Gently cooling the living room dow
Breathing soft and Finely Fai
Healing alone, in her cozy love-nes
Not an unwelcome soul in her mids
Will he come back? He keeps calling for her..
Is he bringing that Patagonia kiss
22 Polished, scaled-down, Skeletal year
She waits On and On with Hop
May As well be Strangled and Tam
In a Perfect prison of Peac
Neck Mangled on a Dangling Tail Rop
Clowns all make their Home-Spun joke
While writers share their poem
A Solitary Place..
(Inside a crowded Northern Window
Just a Woman in her Hom
Why bother yearning all thruŽ The Hours
Why persist in Pressing On? Round and
Around continues the Never-Ending Tou
A dream once shared now all but Gone..
How many more Long And Wasted Year
Must she work for her MemoryŽs Man?
The Catch now seems Pointless
Dont try to Anoint us - Engineers
Sweeping-up Time in the san
Our Beaches are fille
With Bodies of Dis-Eas
Is Humankind Ever Even..
OR At All what G-d sees?
A long drawn out sigh
It almost doesnŽt Matte
The Passion dies ou
The Screams make it sadde
SO Onward and UPwar
Go along with your Gam
No-thing has change
The Song Remains the Sam
Just a girl spinninŽ in be
A-writinŽ Singularly for Yous
WaitinŽ unexplicably to Be-gin
AnŽ reboot lifeŽs Earth new
If this ainŽt *Enough!
If IŽm not what ya Desir
DonŽt Egg me with kindl
To Build UP A Fir
IŽm tired and IŽm wor
IŽm beat and IŽm throug
Please Just come bac
IŽve tried till IŽm Blue
I canŽt wait no mor
Can barely even cop
What a fool to believe in yo
The worldŽs greatest Dop
So IŽm here if you eve
Manage to wake yourselves U
We can start over refreshe
From HeavenŽs Drinking Cu
The Close of this olŽ Rim
Is begginŽ for me to Sen
I just miss my best frien
And itŽs soon tŽ The-End
From the Rich Rushin' Winds OF an On!on Star..
The High Priestess - H.C.
(Horton Cocklear
All My Love
Call me... "Rachel.
jewsy froot
(aside: Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuzn't Fuzzy Wuz Hee)(blurt!
Returning to Reconstruct: A Reincarnatio
On a Knight Like This (Dedicated to Puppy
Sitting here biding my Tim
ThereŽs not much I can d
So IŽll make up some Rhyme
Is there any way to kno
Where theyŽre originally from
This Wellspring of Words..
How do they manage to come
They just seem to POP OU
After creeping into my min
But I canŽt stand this pursui
ItŽs a waste of my Kin
I really just want to be..
With Bob, alone. Is he ever
Gonna call me, on the phone?
I know I've used and abused
Repeating Rhymes befor
Rearranging chameleon line
Exposes the primitive scor
But at least these can no
Be called lines of drug
I'd much rather wait
For a strong loving hu
They damaged My Soul
I knew IŽd been ha
Being captured this wa
Is so terribly sa
But I had no other choic
No known visible safe wa
I didn't want to go out to pla
My heart has been fracture
It turned blood-river re
But you already know thi
It's already been sai
Senor, what are we waiting for?
Tell me, why won't you come?
It fills me with outrage and fur
And makes me feel so dum
Lord, IŽm destined to crac
Locked inside these abode
Carrying incalculable pai
Under unbearable loads
Inhumanly born burdens
A crashing diseased weight
My lifeŽs brutal pathways
A cruel crippling fate
I know I can sense it,
In my Mind, in my Soul
Nothing gold can stay
We reached for the coal
You know itŽs been written
IŽm bound to explode...
IŽm still expecting to lose it
And hit virgin road
I can't believe he's so Incredibly
Insane. It splits me apart,
Like a smashed window pane
Splintered Shards of Cut
Broken Glass.....Shredding
The Threads of My Skins....
What Bound Fringes
Of this Free World do I Mine
...So recklessly to Win?
What in G-dŽs Great Name
Is this Leviathan Creature?
And why on Earth...
Do I Bother to "Care?"
Why do I insist on
Loving him So Strongly...?
So Helpless that I
Would eŽer to Dare....?
If He still doesn't know
He's G-dŽs biggest moron
He gets himself down
When heŽs got the bore on
He's filled with anguish
Fear and self-doubt
Why does he sit...
And think and pout?
Why not just do it
For once in your life?
Come back to me
And make me your Wife
I can't understand this
After so many long years
I almost could kill him
Or cut off all his ears
Why don't you want me?
Why won't you come?
IŽm not happy at all
IŽm not having fun
This is empty and stupid
And thoroughly lame -
I never wanted this
I don't care about fame
Just come be my baby
Come make me whole
You know itŽs your duty
To repair my torn soul
You said you would do it
This is so painfully unfair
Prove that you want me
Show me that you care
YouŽve been singing for me
Endlessly, year after year...
Saying you still love me
That for me you shed tears
IŽm reclining in bed now
But I was slouched at my desk
I told you everything with gusto
When IŽd rather have had rest
But I was driven and pushed
I was trapped in a field
Of maggots, and magnets
To you I must yield
IŽm begging for mercy
Please beam up my soul
Let me into Your dream
Make me your Goal
IŽm shattered like Road Runner
"Come back to Me," I say
It will be Absolute and Perfect
In G-dŽs For-ever Way
A fresh SpringtimeŽs blossom
A love once again made new
A crystal spark that's ignited
Like SinaiŽs glistening dew
Falling down from the heavens
To sustain the Chosen few
I could go on and on Eternally
My longest-lost dear sweet friend
But as long as IŽm alive
As weŽve been instructed to bend
Here are these words of "ILY"
Which IŽve just got to send
These are my prayers to You
I know that youŽre Hissing
YouŽre the only thing gone
YouŽre just what IŽm missing
(and I'd so very much rather
Your Chapped lips to be Kissing...
...iykwimaityd....*NOT* )
The High Priestess, H.C.
Queen of France
- "letŽs get drrrunk!!!" HIGH FIVE!!!!
"Roll On,....!" Quoting Delia, childhood friend from Oz
(rev. by )
Post by cheesetray
102 Waterfalls: Complicated Grief
A Cat-cher in the Rye
Psychological Con-Fuzzions
Are a curious thing...
It could be what happens
When MockingBirds Sing -
Electro-shock treatments
Blasting criss-cross conceptions
Requiring circuitous tactics
Producing dramatic connections
Factor in psychoanalytic surgeries
A most tricky endeavor...
This is probably what you get
When you ask for Forever
They're bellowing madly below
You're screaming "Shut the f**k UP!"
I'm beginning to wish for
The balls to vote "TRUMP!"
This isn't a warning
It's just what happened to me
And now that I've moved
I can't ever be free
It follows you around
Like a bad rollercoaster ride
Technology runnin' backwards
You're trembling inside
They rattle your nerves
And wake up your head
It cuts you inside
But you know you're not dead
About the story as we knew it
I no longer give a rat's ass
I'm nobody's martyr
I crawled through the glass
Through a red ring of poison
Of ugliness and gloom
I shed all the fake Desiderata
And cast a cure for its Doom
Their Light can disperse
Up in the clouds, for all I "care"
I've no need to rehearse
When life is equal and fair
As to their shadow superfluity
I've found Wisdom more rare
I'm looking up at the Sky
I'm still hunting the Bear
The last thing you're gonna
Hear out of me
Is my lesson I've learned
The truth I now see
It's the sickness and torture
Of Blackness at Noon
I left my Stingrays behind
And wait for the Moon
Aretha with no Goals
4.3.2024 (rev.)
Thanks for posting, are these meant to be read in one sitting, like a

This is a response to the post seen at:
2024-04-13 21:18:58 UTC
no, absolutely not. you are quite correct.

also, i neglected to put the dots between titles/notices/headlines ha ha and the beginnings, in order to create a proper measure of space for viewing.

thank you for the heads up!
2024-04-14 19:34:02 UTC
Post by Will-Dockery
Post by cheesetray
OB Associations & The Holy Ghosts
(Spanish Harlem Queen Revisited)
Lost and Found: Serene, Blest Waitress: "WHO is Bob DylanŽs
Post by cheesetray
A Knightmare on ELM Street - Finito La Commedia ?
Once Upon A Time
And so I sit and bear my wait
Not a glamourous life by far
Not some bunny-tailed playboy model
Or a Golden Globed celluloid star
The house is strangely still and quiet
Save for this whispering air
Gently cooling the living room down
Breathing soft and Finely Fair
Healing alone, in her cozy love-nest
Not an unwelcome soul in her midst
Will he come back? He keeps calling for her...
Is he bringing that Patagonia kiss?
22 Polished, scaled-down, Skeletal years
She waits On and On with Hope
May As well be Strangled and Tame
In a Perfect prison of Peace
Neck Mangled on a Dangling Tail Rope
Clowns all make their Home-Spun jokes
While writers share their poems
A Solitary Place...
(Inside a crowded Northern Window )
Just a Woman in her Home
Why bother yearning all thruŽ The Hours?
Why persist in Pressing On? Round and
Around continues the Never-Ending Tour
A dream once shared now all but Gone...
How many more Long And Wasted Years
Must she work for her MemoryŽs Man?
The Catch now seems Pointless
Dont try to Anoint us - Engineers
Sweeping-up Time in the sand
Our Beaches are filled
With Bodies of Dis-Ease
Is Humankind Ever Even...
OR At All what G-d sees? /
A long drawn out sigh -
It almost doesnŽt Matter
The Passion dies out
The Screams make it sadder
SO Onward and UPward
Go along with your Game
No-thing has changed
The Song Remains the Same
Just a girl spinninŽ in bed
A-writinŽ Singularly for Youse
WaitinŽ unexplicably to Be-ginŽ
AnŽ reboot lifeŽs Earth news
If this ainŽt *Enough!*
If IŽm not what ya Desire
DonŽt Egg me with kindle
To Build UP A Fire
IŽm tired and IŽm worn
IŽm beat and IŽm through
Please Just come back
IŽve tried till IŽm Blue -
I canŽt wait no more
Can barely even cope
What a fool to believe in you
The worldŽs greatest Dope
So IŽm here if you ever
Manage to wake yourselves UP
We can start over refreshed
From HeavenŽs Drinking Cup
The Close of this olŽ Rime
Is begginŽ for me to Send
I just miss my best friend
And itŽs soon tŽ The-End
From the Rich Rushin' Winds OF an On!on Star...
The High Priestess - H.C.
(Horton Cocklear)
All My Love,
Call me... "Rachel."
jewsy froot
(aside: Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuzn't Fuzzy Wuz Hee)(blurt!)
Returning to Reconstruct: A Reincarnation
On a Knight Like This (Dedicated to Puppy)
Sitting here biding my Time
ThereŽs not much I can do
So IŽll make up some Rhymes
Is there any way to know
Where theyŽre originally from?
This Wellspring of Words...
How do they manage to come?
They just seem to POP OUT
After creeping into my mind
But I canŽt stand this pursuit
ItŽs a waste of my Kind
I really just want to be...
With Bob, alone. Is he ever
Gonna call me, on the phone?
I know I've used and abused
Repeating Rhymes before
Rearranging chameleon lines
Exposes the primitive score
But at least these can not
Be called lines of drugs
I'd much rather wait
For a strong loving hug
They damaged My Souls
I knew IŽd been had
Being captured this way
Is so terribly sad
But I had no other choice
No known visible safe way
I didn't want to go out to play
My heart has been fractured
It turned blood-river red
But you already know this
It's already been said
Senor, what are we waiting for?
Tell me, why won't you come?
It fills me with outrage and fury
And makes me feel so dumb
Lord, IŽm destined to crack
Locked inside these abodes
Carrying incalculable pain
Under unbearable loads
Inhumanly born burdens
A crashing diseased weight
My lifeŽs brutal pathways
A cruel crippling fate
I know I can sense it,
In my Mind, in my Soul
Nothing gold can stay
We reached for the coal
You know itŽs been written
IŽm bound to explode...
IŽm still expecting to lose it
And hit virgin road
I can't believe he's so Incredibly
Insane. It splits me apart,
Like a smashed window pane
Splintered Shards of Cut
Broken Glass.....Shredding
The Threads of My Skins....
What Bound Fringes
Of this Free World do I Mine
...So recklessly to Win?
What in G-dŽs Great Name
Is this Leviathan Creature?
And why on Earth...
Do I Bother to "Care?"
Why do I insist on
Loving him So Strongly...?
So Helpless that I
Would eŽer to Dare....?
If He still doesn't know
He's G-dŽs biggest moron
He gets himself down
When heŽs got the bore on
He's filled with anguish
Fear and self-doubt
Why does he sit...
And think and pout?
Why not just do it
For once in your life?
Come back to me
And make me your Wife
I can't understand this
After so many long years
I almost could kill him
Or cut off all his ears
Why don't you want me?
Why won't you come?
IŽm not happy at all
IŽm not having fun
This is empty and stupid
And thoroughly lame -
I never wanted this
I don't care about fame
Just come be my baby
Come make me whole
You know itŽs your duty
To repair my torn soul
You said you would do it
This is so painfully unfair
Prove that you want me
Show me that you care
YouŽve been singing for me
Endlessly, year after year...
Saying you still love me
That for me you shed tears
IŽm reclining in bed now
But I was slouched at my desk
I told you everything with gusto
When IŽd rather have had rest
But I was driven and pushed
I was trapped in a field
Of maggots, and magnets
To you I must yield
IŽm begging for mercy
Please beam up my soul
Let me into Your dream
Make me your Goal
IŽm shattered like Road Runner
"Come back to Me," I say
It will be Absolute and Perfect
In G-dŽs For-ever Way
A fresh SpringtimeŽs blossom
A love once again made new
A crystal spark that's ignited
Like SinaiŽs glistening dew
Falling down from the heavens
To sustain the Chosen few
I could go on and on Eternally
My longest-lost dear sweet friend
But as long as IŽm alive
As weŽve been instructed to bend
Here are these words of "ILY"
Which IŽve just got to send
These are my prayers to You
I know that youŽre Hissing
YouŽre the only thing gone
YouŽre just what IŽm missing
(and I'd so very much rather
Your Chapped lips to be Kissing...
...iykwimaityd....*NOT* )
The High Priestess, H.C.
Queen of France
- "letŽs get drrrunk!!!" HIGH FIVE!!!!
"Roll On,....!" Quoting Delia, childhood friend from Oz
(rev. by )
Post by cheesetray
102 Waterfalls: Complicated Grief
A Cat-cher in the Rye
Psychological Con-Fuzzions
Are a curious thing...
It could be what happens
When MockingBirds Sing -
Electro-shock treatments
Blasting criss-cross conceptions
Requiring circuitous tactics
Producing dramatic connections
Factor in psychoanalytic surgeries
A most tricky endeavor...
This is probably what you get
When you ask for Forever
They're bellowing madly below
You're screaming "Shut the f**k UP!"
I'm beginning to wish for
The balls to vote "TRUMP!"
This isn't a warning
It's just what happened to me
And now that I've moved
I can't ever be free
It follows you around
Like a bad rollercoaster ride
Technology runnin' backwards
You're trembling inside
They rattle your nerves
And wake up your head
It cuts you inside
But you know you're not dead
About the story as we knew it
I no longer give a rat's ass
I'm nobody's martyr
I crawled through the glass
Through a red ring of poison
Of ugliness and gloom
I shed all the fake Desiderata
And cast a cure for its Doom
Their Light can disperse
Up in the clouds, for all I "care"
I've no need to rehearse
When life is equal and fair
As to their shadow superfluity
I've found Wisdom more rare
I'm looking up at the Sky
I'm still hunting the Bear
The last thing you're gonna
Hear out of me
Is my lesson I've learned
The truth I now see
It's the sickness and torture
Of Blackness at Noon
I left my Stingrays behind
And wait for the Moon
Aretha with no Goals
4.3.2024 (rev.)
Thanks for posting, are these meant to be read in one sitting, like a
They doo read well that away...
2024-07-06 08:45:26 UTC
Post by General-Zod
Post by Will-Dockery
Post by cheesetray
OB Associations & The Holy Ghosts
(Spanish Harlem Queen Revisited)
Lost and Found: Serene, Blest Waitress: "WHO is Bob DylanŽs
Post by cheesetray
A Knightmare on ELM Street - Finito La Commedia ?
Once Upon A Time
And so I sit and bear my wait
Not a glamourous life by far
Not some bunny-tailed playboy model
Or a Golden Globed celluloid star
The house is strangely still and quiet
Save for this whispering air
Gently cooling the living room down
Breathing soft and Finely Fair
Healing alone, in her cozy love-nest
Not an unwelcome soul in her midst
Will he come back? He keeps calling for her...
Is he bringing that Patagonia kiss?
22 Polished, scaled-down, Skeletal years
She waits On and On with Hope
May As well be Strangled and Tame
In a Perfect prison of Peace
Neck Mangled on a Dangling Tail Rope
Clowns all make their Home-Spun jokes
While writers share their poems
A Solitary Place...
(Inside a crowded Northern Window )
Just a Woman in her Home
Why bother yearning all thruŽ The Hours?
Why persist in Pressing On? Round and
Around continues the Never-Ending Tour
A dream once shared now all but Gone...
How many more Long And Wasted Years
Must she work for her MemoryŽs Man?
The Catch now seems Pointless
Dont try to Anoint us - Engineers
Sweeping-up Time in the sand
Our Beaches are filled
With Bodies of Dis-Ease
Is Humankind Ever Even...
OR At All what G-d sees? /
A long drawn out sigh -
It almost doesnŽt Matter
The Passion dies out
The Screams make it sadder
SO Onward and UPward
Go along with your Game
No-thing has changed
The Song Remains the Same
Just a girl spinninŽ in bed
A-writinŽ Singularly for Youse
WaitinŽ unexplicably to Be-ginŽ
AnŽ reboot lifeŽs Earth news
If this ainŽt *Enough!*
If IŽm not what ya Desire
DonŽt Egg me with kindle
To Build UP A Fire
IŽm tired and IŽm worn
IŽm beat and IŽm through
Please Just come back
IŽve tried till IŽm Blue -
I canŽt wait no more
Can barely even cope
What a fool to believe in you
The worldŽs greatest Dope
So IŽm here if you ever
Manage to wake yourselves UP
We can start over refreshed
From HeavenŽs Drinking Cup
The Close of this olŽ Rime
Is begginŽ for me to Send
I just miss my best friend
And itŽs soon tŽ The-End
From the Rich Rushin' Winds OF an On!on Star...
The High Priestess - H.C.
(Horton Cocklear)
All My Love,
Call me... "Rachel."
jewsy froot
(aside: Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuzn't Fuzzy Wuz Hee)(blurt!)
Returning to Reconstruct: A Reincarnation
On a Knight Like This (Dedicated to Puppy)
Sitting here biding my Time
ThereŽs not much I can do
So IŽll make up some Rhymes
Is there any way to know
Where theyŽre originally from?
This Wellspring of Words...
How do they manage to come?
They just seem to POP OUT
After creeping into my mind
But I canŽt stand this pursuit
ItŽs a waste of my Kind
I really just want to be...
With Bob, alone. Is he ever
Gonna call me, on the phone?
I know I've used and abused
Repeating Rhymes before
Rearranging chameleon lines
Exposes the primitive score
But at least these can not
Be called lines of drugs
I'd much rather wait
For a strong loving hug
They damaged My Souls
I knew IŽd been had
Being captured this way
Is so terribly sad
But I had no other choice
No known visible safe way
I didn't want to go out to play
My heart has been fractured
It turned blood-river red
But you already know this
It's already been said
Senor, what are we waiting for?
Tell me, why won't you come?
It fills me with outrage and fury
And makes me feel so dumb
Lord, IŽm destined to crack
Locked inside these abodes
Carrying incalculable pain
Under unbearable loads
Inhumanly born burdens
A crashing diseased weight
My lifeŽs brutal pathways
A cruel crippling fate
I know I can sense it,
In my Mind, in my Soul
Nothing gold can stay
We reached for the coal
You know itŽs been written
IŽm bound to explode...
IŽm still expecting to lose it
And hit virgin road
I can't believe he's so Incredibly
Insane. It splits me apart,
Like a smashed window pane
Splintered Shards of Cut
Broken Glass.....Shredding
The Threads of My Skins....
What Bound Fringes
Of this Free World do I Mine
...So recklessly to Win?
What in G-dŽs Great Name
Is this Leviathan Creature?
And why on Earth...
Do I Bother to "Care?"
Why do I insist on
Loving him So Strongly...?
So Helpless that I
Would eŽer to Dare....?
If He still doesn't know
He's G-dŽs biggest moron
He gets himself down
When heŽs got the bore on
He's filled with anguish
Fear and self-doubt
Why does he sit...
And think and pout?
Why not just do it
For once in your life?
Come back to me
And make me your Wife
I can't understand this
After so many long years
I almost could kill him
Or cut off all his ears
Why don't you want me?
Why won't you come?
IŽm not happy at all
IŽm not having fun
This is empty and stupid
And thoroughly lame -
I never wanted this
I don't care about fame
Just come be my baby
Come make me whole
You know itŽs your duty
To repair my torn soul
You said you would do it
This is so painfully unfair
Prove that you want me
Show me that you care
YouŽve been singing for me
Endlessly, year after year...
Saying you still love me
That for me you shed tears
IŽm reclining in bed now
But I was slouched at my desk
I told you everything with gusto
When IŽd rather have had rest
But I was driven and pushed
I was trapped in a field
Of maggots, and magnets
To you I must yield
IŽm begging for mercy
Please beam up my soul
Let me into Your dream
Make me your Goal
IŽm shattered like Road Runner
"Come back to Me," I say
It will be Absolute and Perfect
In G-dŽs For-ever Way
A fresh SpringtimeŽs blossom
A love once again made new
A crystal spark that's ignited
Like SinaiŽs glistening dew
Falling down from the heavens
To sustain the Chosen few
I could go on and on Eternally
My longest-lost dear sweet friend
But as long as IŽm alive
As weŽve been instructed to bend
Here are these words of "ILY"
Which IŽve just got to send
These are my prayers to You
I know that youŽre Hissing
YouŽre the only thing gone
YouŽre just what IŽm missing
(and I'd so very much rather
Your Chapped lips to be Kissing...
...iykwimaityd....*NOT* )
The High Priestess, H.C.
Queen of France
- "letŽs get drrrunk!!!" HIGH FIVE!!!!
"Roll On,....!" Quoting Delia, childhood friend from Oz
(rev. by )
Post by cheesetray
102 Waterfalls: Complicated Grief
A Cat-cher in the Rye
Psychological Con-Fuzzions
Are a curious thing...
It could be what happens
When MockingBirds Sing -
Electro-shock treatments
Blasting criss-cross conceptions
Requiring circuitous tactics
Producing dramatic connections
Factor in psychoanalytic surgeries
A most tricky endeavor...
This is probably what you get
When you ask for Forever
They're bellowing madly below
You're screaming "Shut the f**k UP!"
I'm beginning to wish for
The balls to vote "TRUMP!"
This isn't a warning
It's just what happened to me
And now that I've moved
I can't ever be free
It follows you around
Like a bad rollercoaster ride
Technology runnin' backwards
You're trembling inside
They rattle your nerves
And wake up your head
It cuts you inside
But you know you're not dead
About the story as we knew it
I no longer give a rat's ass
I'm nobody's martyr
I crawled through the glass
Through a red ring of poison
Of ugliness and gloom
I shed all the fake Desiderata
And cast a cure for its Doom
Their Light can disperse
Up in the clouds, for all I "care"
I've no need to rehearse
When life is equal and fair
As to their shadow superfluity
I've found Wisdom more rare
I'm looking up at the Sky
I'm still hunting the Bear
The last thing you're gonna
Hear out of me
Is my lesson I've learned
The truth I now see
It's the sickness and torture
Of Blackness at Noon
I left my Stingrays behind
And wait for the Moon
Aretha with no Goals
4.3.2024 (rev.)
Thanks for posting, are these meant to be read in one sitting, like a
They doo read well that away...
Agreed and seconded.
