On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 10:31:01 PM UTC-8, ***@gmail.com wrote:
Shalom & Boker tov, MichelangeloPaedoCoco...this is an outright distortion, but predictable considering it is from you. Barry Miles and Bill Morgan, biographers/archivists, have refuted your ilk for decades; and, no, you have not read them, nor have you (as I have) been to Stanford University Special Collections, and perused the diaries and papers. Reb Allen enjoyed playing word games with your ilk's antisemitic racialist nonsense. Your charade is over here. The evidence has been irrefutably presented as to what you are, by Dave Marsh et al.
You have a documented history of lying, taking observations out-of-context, accusations without foundation (experimental wordplay between my oldest daughter and I is not 'plagiarism')...You got trapped 12 January 2018 by your fabrication that I am not a Yehu'di, when it can be proven. When I offered to share the Hebrew documentation (signed by R. Paul Laderman z"l and R. Mayer Goldberg z"l, the latter a beloved student of Rav Kook), you quickly deflected. accusing me of 'blackmail' for stating your suggestions were acceptable ONLY if you retracted, in public, your salacious accusations I am not a 'Jew' / Yehu'di. You were caught in yet another lie.
But, as George Dance, poet/publisher/editor said on 30 December 2017, one must be alert when dealing with you, Michael Pendragon'/MichelangeloPaedoBestialityCoco:. You remain such a liar because you do not want anyone to 'suspect what a dishonest, disgusting piece of filth you are -- and we really can't have that'.
MichelangeloPaedoBestialityCoco (seemingly encouraged by his cyberian stalker ally NaziGene) is a congenital, psychotic paedophile obsessed with little girls. His deliberate, knowing fabrications, slanders, and antisemitic mantras are duly noted, and ignored. He is, need I say, afflicted with early onset stupidity, so similar to NaziGene's demure malice and lying babble, one can easily discern he does have natz'ri dementia. He is illustrative of what the quackery squared of pharmacracy is capable of...and he has been coupling it with public confessions of bestiality (primarily with Sus scrota domestica Erxleben 1777). In grade school (repeating 2nd grade 4 times), when he played in the sandbox, cats would rush over, and cover him up.
To paraphrase poet Will Dockery, ignoring these two is never problematic; trying to remember them is. To borrow from Reb Samuel Beckett in 1970, their every word remains an unnecessary stain on silence and no-thing-ness.
MichelangeloPaedoBestialityCoco and NaziGene are not poets, but gossipography type writers. You, MichelangeloPaedoBestialityCoco, are not now, nor have you ever been, a Yehu'di, but a blaspheming proselytising member of Opus Dei, and you pose a genuine danger to the children in your neighbourhood. NaziGene is an inept cyberstalking criminal, a child abuser; if he seems 'lost in thought', it derives from it being alien territory.
STEPHAN PICKERING / חפץ ח"ם בן אברהם
Torah אלילה Yehu'di Apikores / Philologia Kabbalistica Speculativa Researcher
לחיות זמן רב ולשגשג...לעולם לא עוד